Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fupas on the prowl at IKEA

Sorry that I haven't posted in a very long time, things have been crazy! Anyway, we are back from the Labor Day holiday- btw where did summer go??? - and the fupas are coming out of the woods.

This past weekend, my fiance and I went to IKEA (apparently with the rest of Los Angeles) and there were some prime FUPAS on the prowl let me tell you! I mean there are some seriously fat people running around there, and do they REALLY need that ice cream cone for $1.99 at the cashier? I don't think that they have glandular issues, they just like junk food, end of story! So here are two pictures from my sojourns, and yes this is a guy and YES that is his front!!!

I will be back soon,


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